Okay.. everyone has their own OPINION... the new Creative Recreation kicks are fugly.... maybe if in all black, or all white for the summer.. but c'mon?... sound off and let me know what you all think.
Here goes new single from Tay Dizm.. he's T-Pain's right hand man and first solo artist from his label Nappy Boy... this track is different but fiya, featuring Rick Ross and T-Pain... check it out!
Here we go.. another exclusive.. my dude Bali representing Orlando, and the boy KC again.. this joint is st8 fiya.. DO NOT WORRY.. Khaled's only on the intro haha... enjoy.
What's good world?.. I'd like to introduce you to an artist who is once again on the come up.. he used to be Scott Storch's artist.. I bet he's kicking himself for letting him go (no homo).. check out this track from my boy HAWK.. featuring the multitalented singer/songwriter Kevin Cossom... remember where you heard it first ;)
It's ya boy.. Mr. Escobar... I've been checking blogs for a hot min.. now I'd like to contribute myself, shout out to LowKey from youheardthatnew.com ... you inspired me big homie haha