Sunday, March 29, 2009

4 Steps: Make A Sincere Apology

We'll it seems that I often offend people when i excersize my freedom of speech so...

4 Steps: Make A Sincere Apology

Take responsibility for your actions
Above all else, people want to see you own your mistakes. Although we’re only at step one, this is a crucial moment because it sets the tone and creates the momentum for your entire sincere apology. When you’re on the other end receiving a sincere apology, is this not the crux for you, the instant of satisfaction, when that person becomes accountable and admits to precisely what he did wrong? As an expression of repentance, of true regret or remorse, this step matters more than all the rest when you make a sincere apology.

You can best achieve this repentance by using a simple, straightforward sentence that uses two magic words -- I’m sorry. After you’ve uttered those humbling words, address what you did in concise terms. The following examples show accountability through the use of the word “I” and the lack of the word “but”:
“I’m sorry I blew off our meeting.”
“I’m sorry I said those things about your mother.”
That should be it. Do not add the feelings you think you incited in the other person (“I’m sorry you misunderstood me” or “I’m sorry your feelings were hurt”); doing so shifts blame away from you, which is the opposite of taking responsibility for your actions.

IF you care.. .or should i say give a fuck.. then read more HERE

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