Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Jay-Z Gives Six Principles To Living The Best Life…..

Shout out to Lowekey... took this off his BET soundoff blog.

Be Your Own Biggest Fan…
“Believe in whatever is you’re doing. If you don’t believe it, no one else will”

Take Control, Then Let It Go…
“Work really hard and apply yourself in a way that when job is done, you can look in the mirror and say, ‘I’ve exhausted all possibilities. I’ve done everything to make this right’. After that, let it go: It’s out of your control”.

Focus On The Process, Not The Result…..
“People get consumed by the trapping of success. They forget the reason they wanted to do what they wanted to do in the first place. Whether you have zero money or a million dollars, it doesn’t change who you are. Keep yourself inspired.”

Never Act On Your Fears…
“Card players have a saying: ‘Play the cards, not the money’. If your hand is good, it doesn’t matter if there’s $2 on the table or $2,000. You determine your outcome. Don’t make decisions based on the fear. People can be jealous of you and bait you, but you can be mature and handle the situation.”

Use Money The Right Way…..
“For some people money can be a burden and lead to bad decisions. But money should make you comfortable so that you don’t have to compromise yourself or do anything just for money. It should give you the freedom to do what you love.”

Don’t Stop Growing…..
“Growth doesn’t stop when you’ve become successful. That’s when it starts.”

Feeling inspired, RIGHT? I know, me too. To continue this inspirational celebration, hit up the comments section and tell me what and who inspires you. Ready, Set, GO!!!

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